VOLBEAT | Cape of our Hero


Autor sám v jednom z rozhovorů řekl, že jde o velmi emotivní song a přišlo mi, že připouští emotivnost lehce přes čáru. Přesto si za ním stojí a zrovna tenhle kus patří mezi moje top. Nikoliv kvůli silnému emotivnímu zabarvení, ale kvůli heroičnosti, která je zřetelná jak z textu tak hudby.

Přiznám se, že jsem tenhle příběh vnímala zcela jinak, než autor zamýšlel. Jeho vize byla popsat vztah otce a syna. Kdy chlapec věřící v superhrdiny takového suprehrdinu vidí právě ve svém otci. Když o něj nakonec přijde, všechno v co věřil je pryč. Přemýšlí však o tom, že kdyby existovali andělé, mohli by ho vynést do nebe, kde by se setkal se svým superhrdinou. Dostal by od něj plášť, který by mu umožnil létat a hledat svého otce.

Zdroj: blabbermouth.com

Zdá se však, že inspirací Michaelovi Poulsenovi nebyly jenom komiksy, které nejspíš četl, když byl ještě mrně (možná je čte doteď)… ale také slova Josepha Campbella:

Out of perfection nothing can be made. Every process involves breaking something up. The earth must be broken to bring forth new life. If the seed does not die, there is no plant.
Bread results from the death of wheat. Life lives on lives. Our own life lives on the acts of other people.
If you are lifeworthy, you can take it. What we are really living for is the experience of life, both the pain and the pleasure.

The world is a match for us. we are a match for the world. Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. Negativism to the pain and ferocity of life is negativism to life.

The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.

The Hero’s Journey (On Living in the World) by Joseph Campbell

Out of the perfection nothing will and can be made
The old skin has to shed before the new one sees the day
Opportunities to find the deeper powers in ourselves
Come when life is breathing and seem more than what it is

Go blindly completely

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the angels are coming
The kingdom of the fathers and the heroes where are you

I’m talking to you every night more than I should do
What awaits and when will be the day
When I can wear the cape
I’m lying on the ground as always staring into the air

Go blindly completely

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the angels are coming

The stars are long gone but we can still see their glow
Long after they’ve skidded off into oblivion

Zdroj: Volbeat.dk
Out of the perfection nothing will and can be made
The old skin has to shed before the new one sees the day
Opportunities to find the deeper powers in ourselves
Come when life is breathing and seem more than what it is

Go blindly completely

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the angels are coming
The kingdom of the fathers and the heroes where are you

I’m talking to you every night more than I should do
What awaits and when will be the day
When I can wear the cape
I’m lying on the ground as always staring into the air

Go blindly completely

You tell me how I can fly away
And believe that all the angels are coming
You bring me down then I will fly again
And believe that all the angels are coming

The stars are long gone but we can still see their glow
Long after they’ve skidded off into oblivion

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